Fast Easy Simple College Meals you won’t want to miss out on

Here is my list of super easy to cook meals to start you off on your journey to be a great cook to fill your tummy with food as a college student with no time who’s always rushing deadlines & studying.

Looking back at these photos from back in 2021 when the Pandemic was disappearing brings back memories.

At that time, I cooked alot to save money and also practice cooking good food for my partner (which accounts for a big part of why she likes me I think).

Throwback to my early dishes

“Cooking is about following your heart rather than following recipes.”

Rice and curried ladies finngers (okra)

This is a comically simple dish. Literally white rice + ladies fingers that I boiled in a curry.

Rice and Creamy Chicken

This dish of rice and creamy chicken is a step up from the previous curry okra dish. Even so, it is not too complex. This is the base recipe that I used (creamy tuscan chicken) , but I simplified it down to a budget and timeframe that I can manage to cook it with.

Well that’s it for now, I will add more dishes here later when I come across their photos in my pile of pics stored away in the depths of my phone. Bye bye for now and thakn you for reading !


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